Profile PictureJohn Mose, Jr

Chemical Muscle Enhancement-Bodybuilder's Desk Reference

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Chemical Muscle Enhancement-Bodybuilder's Desk Reference


This manual will reveal to you all the secrets of permanent fat loss. It is written by a man who has discovered these secrets the hard way - through long years of trial and error. Using the information in this manual will allow you master the art and science of losing body fat by a shorter and less costly route; by “modeling” those who have gone before you and learning from an expert.

The primary goals of this manual are to help you lose fat permanently without drugs, supplements or gimmicks and to educate you in the process of losing fat. In other words, my goal is to turn you into a “fat loss expert” … to teach you the reasons why and help you to understand the process…and to do so without bias or ulterior motive.

To achieve this goal, I decided - after careful consideration - to self-publish and to write this book in layman’s terms, with a minimum of scientific jargon and without long lists of scientific references. Instead of long, boring scientific discussions of biochemistry – and instead of long lists of references to scientific papers - you will find sprinkled throughout the manual, brief mention of interesting studies and quotes that are important and relevant to a point being made.

This book was written for you as a simple, yet detailed instruction manual. You get step- by-step instructions: Do this, don’t do that, eat this, don’t eat that, and so on. This is not just an informational book – it is a complete system that will take you from where you are now to where you want to be – in the shortest possible period of time.

Terms and conditions: 

  • This e-book is intended for personal home use only. 
  • All sales of digital download products are final. Cancellations or refunds are not available. 
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The body is in a constant state of "protein turn over". Two terms the reader should be very familiar with are catabolic (catabolism) and anabolic (anabolism). Catabolism is a tissue wasting state and anabolism is a tissue rebuilding or growth state. The "protein turn over" is a balance between the two. Many scientists believe that a 154 LB adult turns over about 280 g of protein daily. Of course not all of this is muscle protein, but some where around 30% is the general accepted amount. Guess what? This figure group is for a sedentary adult, not an athlete, and refers to basal protein anabolism/catabolism. Using 30 % as a qualified representation of the amount of muscle proteins turned over, we see about 77 LBS of the amount of muscle was both gained and lost in one year. This means that this sedentary adult could have actually gained half again his body weight in lean mass tissue without a single work out all year. Also a note of interest is the fact that he actually gained and lost a total of 225 LBS in lean protein tissue in one year. By the way, this is all fact established by research done by W.E. Mitch and published in the New England Journal of Medicine (96-335:1897). To find your own daily protein turn over rate (PTOR), simply multiply your body weight in pounds by 1.818. (154lbs x 1.818 = 279.972g). This is your potential daily mass gain! (What?) Yes, if you could control all metabolic factors this is the amount of protein based tissue you could gain in one day. But being cheesy is not always easy.

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226 pages
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