How to Boost Your Metabolism, Discover the Secrets to Boost your Metabolism
Some people think metabolism is a kind of organ, or a body part, that influences digestion. Actually, the metabolism isn’t a body part. Metabolism, is the process of transforming food (e.g. nutrients) into fuel (e.g. energy). The body uses this energy to conduct a vast array of essential functions. In fact, your ability to read this page is driven by your metabolism. If you had no metabolism you wouldn’t be able to move. In fact, long before you realized that you couldn’t move a finger or lift your foot, your internal processes would have stopped, because the basic building blocks of life – circulating blood, transforming oxygen into carbon dioxide, expelling potentially lethal wastes through the kidneys and so on – all of these depend on metabolism. Although we think of our metabolism as a single function, it’s really a catch-all term for countless functions that are taking place inside the body. Every second of every minute of every day of your life numerous chemical conversions are taking place through metabolism, or metabolic functioning. In a certain light, the metabolism has been referred to as a harmonizing process that manages to achieve two critical bodily functions that seem to be at odds with each other.
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Chances are, you’ve tried to boost your metabolism at least once in your life. Perhaps you weren’t quite certain what a metabolism was, or didn’t know how to accomplish your goals. Maybe you started a rigorous exercise program of jogging and muscle toning. Or you started eating several small portions a day, rather than three large traditional meal-sized portions. Maybe you started taking all kinds of supplements that promised to boost your metabolism. The thing is, all of these methods can work. Exercise, eating strategically, and ensuring that your body has catabolismfriendly supplements are three of many generally good weight loss ideas. So what’s the problem? The problem is, many of us have no real scientific understanding of what, how, or why these methods boost metabolism. For example, a person may start a vigorous exercise program that includes significant aerobic cardiovascular movement, such as jogging or cycling. After a week, that person may notice a drop in weight. But is this due to a boosted metabolism? Maybe - maybe not. Could it be due to water loss through perspiration that hasn’t been adequately replenished? Maybe - maybe not. Many people risk their health, because they don’t quite understand the tips, strategies, and techniques of boosting their metabolism.